Best Price
Our SPL engine constantly browse through thousands of inventory sources, and several times a day check prices, campaigns, and other special offers, allowing you to look up products on the platform and effortlessly place your order.
Do you need the product right now?
When purchasing simple IT equipment, it is always a question of whether you need the product right now, or if you are just looking to make a good deal.
At Mutonic we understand this behavior and while mapping millions of products the platform will give you multiple options to solve this need.
Our SPL engine constantly browse through thousands of inventory sources, and several times a day check prices, campaigns, and other special offers, allowing you to look up products on the platform and effortlessly place your order.
Based on your location, the SPL engine maps inventory sources in real-time, and lists the product stock closest to your location, allowing you to choose Fastest Delivery, and present you with the fastest lead time.
The SPL engine is based on dynamic pricing. It is mapping market prices locally, regionally, and globally, allowing you to see the best market price on any given product at any time.
Should you require or want to know more about fixed prices on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis? This is also something the platform offers.
Reach out to a representative to see how this can be done for you.