Personalized service

Normally not an option having personalized service on IT tech sites, but at Mutonic it is – and it comes free with a smile. Delivering high-end personalized customer service is key to having happy Mutonic customers.

Customer experience is the next competitive battleground, and customers today are looking for companies that understand their needs, making their lives easier, and treat them with appreciation and respect. We aspire to be that company.

Our service

Watch our film “Personalized Service”

Every customer gets a dedicated personal contact here at Mutonic.

As well as two contacts in Customer Care that can help with warranties, RMA-cases, deliveries, and general support regarding your orders.

Full overview

Watch our film “Full Documentation”

Full documentation of all purchases – in one place only!

Stop worrying about keeping track of orders from different web shops.

Mutonic does it for you.

Use the built-in Chat

The Built-In Chat of the Mutonic platform is the quickest way to get help.

It is the foundation of how our personalized service works. Via the chat line, you can quickly get into contact with either Customer Care, advisors, or your own personal contact at Mutonic.

You can also add multiple persons to the conversation and get a response to a technical inquiry within a short time.

Customer Centric

Direct messaging between you and your personal contact at Mutonic – with instant response.


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